Farewell, Summerween!
Happy end of Summerween, friends!

I know, I know. If you follow the show, Summerween was actually June 22…

However, things just kind of ran away from my original plans…like 2020. XD So instead, I changed things around and this is my homage to saying goodbye to Summer.

We’ve been rewatching Gravity Falls all throughout the summer and it really got my creative gears going. Little Monster and Lil’ Boo may not be twins, but they look absolutely adorable as the Pines Duo!

I was trying to come up with something that would be simple and not too expensive and I happened to be shopping at just the right time.Everything just sort of fell into place and if you’re really curious about the whole making process, leave me a comment down below. After all was said and done, everything added up to around $35. Not bad for dressing both kiddos!

How are you celebrating the end of Summer/welcoming in Autumn?
It feels like the year is really flying by for me, but it’s been super fun coming up with these spooky themed photo sessions. You can bet there’s more spooky cuteness on the way!