Thir13en Ghosts is Legal Drinking Age
On this day in 2001, a quirky remake of a William Castle film hit theaters, which means “Thir13en Ghosts” is legal drinking age!

If you’ve been around here long enough, you may remember my ambitious “Thir13en Ghosts” Dark Zodiac Cocktails a few years back. I’ll never forget the first time walking in on my sister watching this. Obviously, it left a huge impact and it’s one of my top guilty pleasure horror films. I never did finish all thirteen cocktails, but I need to revisit and revise to celebrate year 25 when it arrives.

Until I get around to crafting thirteen crazy original cocktails perfectly appropriate for each ghost, let’s celebrate with something a little different. So pour yourself an Angry Princess or Torn Prince to play a “Thir13en Ghosts” drinking game with me! Just click on the image above to download a printable PDF copy!
If you’ve never seen this lesser-known film, I highly encourage you to check it out. It does have a higher gore level than I tend to prefer. However, the ghosts alone really pull me in. Each one is completely different and original. As a matter of fact, if you’re watching on a DVD, the bonus features has a ghosts files easter egg. Surprisingly, this bonus feature is full of thorough information that couldn’t make it into the film. It feels like you are listening in on one of Uncle Cyrus’s journal notations.
Are you a “Thir13en Ghosts” fan? Will you be celebrating the film’s drinking age anniversary?
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