Arachnid Astrology : Pisces
◂ Astrology Facts Disclaimer ▸
I am not a professional astrologist nor expert. I just really enjoy reading about the astrological signs and thought it would be fun to mix that with the diversity of spiders and their very unique and individualized traits.
Pisces is the Diving Bell Spider
Pending – Please check back on 4/3/2021

A Little About
▽ Argyroneta Aquatica ▽
This extremely unique spider spends almost its entire life underwater, only surfacing to collect more oxygen for its nest. The diving bell spider prefers the waters of Europe, the British Isles and most of Northern Asia. The dense hair on its body traps air as it dives underwater, allowing to reside there for a very long time. The males are unusually larger than the females and neither have very remarkable colors, but the oxygen bubbles around their bodies make a fascinating silver look while in their water nest. Their web forms the shape of a bell and is where they bring their oxygen for survival.
Fact References: SpiderIdentifications.com | Wikipedia | LiveScience | National Geographic
With the diving bell residing underwater for nearly her whole life, it felt like a perfect connection to the fish-associated Pisces. She takes great care in building her underwater home and survives on amazing intuition.
◂ Astrology Facts Disclaimer ▸
I am not a professional astrologist nor expert. I just really enjoy reading about the astrological signs and thought it would be fun to mix that with the diversity of spiders and their very unique and individualized traits.