Comikaze 2012 : Saturday
There is too much to say about this convention so let’s just jump right in.

I have to say for starters, that Comikaze really stepped up their game from last year. In just one year, there was an amazing improvement that was noticeable to all attendees from it’s pilot year.
My complaints are small and few between and the majority of them have to do with their customer service and the staff’s lack of knowing what was going on.

After picking up our passes, we made a beeline for the Macabre Museum. This was really what I was looking forward to ever since I had heard mention of such a thing existing. It was packed with Movie Macabre history and memorabilia.

My favorite had to be the checks. (I need to find out where I can get me some of those!)

Elvira is just so amazing in person. She really is fantastic, and what made my con most was that she remembered me from last year!!!

I was way too excited to hear that little bit of information. Just think. She attends several events throughout the year, meets several people whom dress up as her all the time, but she remembered me. I was pretty stoked.

Moving on, we check in on Peaches Christ who seemed to be on break, so we wandered around the hall to see what we might stumble across. Erick did manage to see the one person he was really looking forward to and got a picture with him. He was so star struck, it was adorable.

We decided to skip waiting in lines and checked back in on Peaches who had returned to her table. Peaches loved my look and give me the challenge of next year dressing as her. :O
We did manage to take a little more of a gander around the exhibit hall, and I was really in love with the wider selection of merchandise. Perusing done and feet and arms tired from carrying all our booty, we returned to the hotel room.

I changed up my look into the Bride of Frankenstien and went to drop by on Elvira’s and Peaches’ Horror Hunt panel. We got to watch the winning short film. It was um…very…interesting, to say the least. However, I had a little mishap…

Thanks to a combination of the heat in L.A., a minor case of dehydration, and the fumes from all the hair spray, I fainted during the film viewing! Luckily it was at the end, and people didn’t seem phsaed as Erick escorted me out of the room during the credits.
Getting some water in my system, I was finally feeling better enough to take my younger sister to explore the exhibit hall. I found an awesome Bride of Frankenstien wallet to match my look. Satisfied with our wandering, we made our way back to the hotel.

And that pretty much wraps up day one of Comikaze Expo. Hang around for day two tomorrow!