Halloween Fabric Designs
For a couple Midsummer Screams, I created some Halloween fabric designs to make matching outfits for my family out of. Sadly, once my son came around, I dropped this practice. Hopefully I can pick it back up in the future?
31 Ways to Cheers: Ghost #4 – Halloween Fabric Designs

Fabric design is very interesting as an artistic format. I admire those who pull off some amazing fabric patterns like Stephanie Buscema. Every piece in my closet that had her hand in it’s creation are prized pieces. However, I’m certainly not talented enough of an artist to pull off stylistic designs like hers. Nevertheless, the two I have created were fun and cherished. I once had an idea to do a seasonal series of Spider-inspired fabrics, but that sort of fell to the wayside. I’m sure if the inspiration ever hit again, I’d give it a go. However, I’d like to see my coloring skills improve before that would happen.
Still, Spoonflower shoppers who came across it still seem to enjoy the pink bats fabric I made. At least once a year, someone purchases some fabric with it, so I’m happy.
Do you have a dream Halloween fabric you have a vision of making into something to wear?
It is an honor to be amongst my fellow crypt keepers once more and I am so excited to crash their own countdown celebrations as the month progresses.