Nine Months into Siblinghood
How did we hit nine months already? These two littles are thick as thieves and I am so amazed over their growth and developments. I will be so excited to report in on a year when April rolls around because it has certainly been one heck of a year to document!
Month Seven

Boo’s Development
This boy is super mobile and stunts master extraordinaire. He loves anything we offer him to eat, but he’s also trying things on his own by sampling everything he can touch with his mouth. He’s been teething like crazy with multiple teeth coming in all at one!

Adventures in Siblinghood
In combination of becoming a super crawler and super teether, Little Monster was often distressed by all of her toys that Lil’ Boo would put in his mouth. We would work it out, but there were some tense moments.
Month Eight

Boo’s Development
Loving music right now. He can’t get up and dance, but he does this little bottom bounce thing that is just too adorable. He’s also been extremely fascinated by all the Christmas lights and décor.

Adventures in Siblinghood
Little Monster is absolutely loving that Lil’ Boo is getting included in her adventures. Especially when he’s getting dressed up to match her. With the influx of baby stuff gotten for Lil’ Boo, she was very excited over all her gifts for her birthday, like dressing as the Scooby Gang.
Month Nine

Boo’s Development
This guy is pulling himself up everywhere and doing his darndest to keep up with his sister. He really loves to chase after her. We’re watching for those early walker signs and it’s a little overwhelming. How is he moving around so much? Didn’t we just bring him home from the hospital in swaddles and under ten pounds?

Adventures in Siblinghood
What can I say, there’s nothing quite like helping your little brother open presents because he can’t quite do it on his own yet! Little Monster gave the idea for this picture too. She got an Elsa dress for Christmas so we got a snowman onsie for Lil’ Boo to be her Olaf. He gets to be super cozy and she gets to live out her Frozen dreams. Win win.