Six Months into Siblinghood
We’re celebrating National Pumpkin day by reflecting on Lil’ Boo’s six month milestone last week! Can you belive it’s been a whole year since I shared with you all that this lil’ pumpkin was growing in my patch?
Month Four

Boo’s Development
This big boy was flipping over onto his tummy whenever he wanted. Turning back over proved to be another story, but he was trying his darndest! He has outgrown his cradle already (his arms kept hitting the bars), so he moved to a floor bed like his sister. He enjoys the freedom and has tried rolling off a couple times in the night.

Adventures in Siblinghood
Monster wants to do everything for her little brother. Dress him. Change him. Push him in the stroller. He’s the baby and she wants to care for him.
Month Five

Boo’s Development
Flipping over, sitting up, this boy just keeps surprising us! We also started giving him some solid foods towards the end of this month because he’s just so interested in what we’re all eating at the table. And he loves it all! He’s been such a good nurser and now it seems, he most certainly will be an excellent eater.

Adventures in Siblinghood
This month was a little rough for Monster. It’s not that she is having issues with Boo at all, but she’s been asking to be treated like a baby more frequently and I want to say it’s from my own lack of dedicating more attention to her. My mom has been advising setting time aside for just me and her and I’m truly trying to figure out how to make that work, but I defintely feel like I’m loosing some of that balance between them and Monster is starting to go to others to fullfill her attention needs. Since everyone else is still working (even though it’s remotely), it’s not always possible and this has been very frustrating for her.
Month Six

Boo’s Development
Crawler alert! This guy is fully mobile as I write this. He’s pulling himself up into standing postions, attempting to scale the stairs and thinks bedtime is the time to explore and wake his sister up by crawling into her bed and onto her. (To be fair, she likes to wake him up during naptime so…it’s a mutual exchange right now…)

Adventures in Siblinghood
There’s nothing Boo loves more than watching Monster and all she does. She’s even come up with a special song just for him to help sooth him when he’s fussing that he isn’t being held. If she walks into the room, his eyes are trained on her. Monster has been really adament about picking him up and carrying him lately (which we’re trying to explain to her why it isn’t safe). Despite our concerns, when it does happen, he’s all smiles in her arms. There’s a little bit of tension popping up over the last couple months, but hitting this milestone and Boo becoming mobile will hopefully help balance everything back out. I’ve broken out my Montessori brain and am determined to get back on a better routine that is stimulating for Monster and allows me to give her the attention she needs from me.