The Magic Began on Hallowe’en
The candles are snuffed,
Candy buckets – overstuffed,
Greasepaint is wiped clean,
So ends October’s scene.The haunted magic has only begun,
For Samhain’s spell has been spun.
Not thinning the veil, but opening wide,
Autumn being Winter’s colorful Bride.Spirits and creep-crawlies go unseen,
Busy storing the secrets they’ve gleaned.
Waiting for their summons ’round the hearth,
For Hallowe’en does not truly end…it starts.

I hope you all had a pleasant celebration for Hallowe’en! We kicked off the day starting out in our costumes. Little Monster’s ballet school was encouraging dancers to come to class all dressed up so we decided to all throw on our costumes.
Once Dusk arrived, we turned on all the lights and decor on Halloween night, dressed up, hung out and had an overall good safe time.
We wrapped up celebrations with what has now become our traditional Dia de los Muertos pizza skull dinner last night and have started talks on how to better observe and remember our passed love ones.
October was quite the ride and I’m still…not quite sure where it went. We did our best to enjoy it where we could, but I am kind of happy to put the decorations away and not have to worry about following through on any blogging plans for a while.

I’m using November as an excuse to take a little break. Outside of Arachnid Astrology for this month, I’m not really going to plan any posts unless the urge hits me. I’ll be taking a more relaxed approach to December as well to help me better prepare for some fun ideas I hope to toast to in the new year. I’m hoping this will help fan the flame of Hallowe’en magic and spirit all through the year for me and help keep that burnout feeling from hitting so early like it seems to have been doing these last few years.
How is the rest of your 2020 looking? How has 2020 been treating you?