Over 10 Years of Halloween Countdowns
It is hard to believe I have been creating and sharing Halloween countdowns for over 10 years. I didn’t realize that last year marked 10 years since I first started participating in the Cryptkeeper Countdown to Halloween.
Halloween Countdowns from 2012 to 2022
Way back in 2012, I participated under the blog moniker of “Lady DragonQueen”. Although the name and domain have changed, not much else has; I still try my best to post on as many of the 31 days of October as possible, my blog plans that I worked on and tried to plan for as early as April always end up shifting quite a bit, and I still have so many ideas for the blog as I count down to yet another Halloween!
I love looking through my old posts. Seeing how I’ve changed and grown over the past decade is certainly fun to reflect on. Sadly, with host changes and direction rebranding, many of my old archives are no longer available (unless you do some careful digging over on Tumblr). However, most posts from 2017 onward are still here and if you have the time, I’d encourage you to search through them.
2023’s Halloween Countdown

2023 is sure to be a fun October! I have many treats and tricks planned for this month. Obviously, with us having moved into a new home this year, you can anticipate the return of the decor tours as I take on the challenge of decorating an entirely new space. However, I will also be creating four new macabre-themed cocktails, celebrating some of my favorite film anniversaries with inspired outfits, inviting friends to chill out during Instagram Lives on Wednesdays AND hosting book giveaways every Friday in October!

My husband and I already kicked off the fun earlier this evening with an impromptu live on Sips & Spirits. We did a blind taste-test of Halloween Oreos compared to regular ones. Safe to say, there’s definitely a difference! Click on the image to watch the replay.

On this occasion, have you checked out the Spooky Little Halloween Magazine yet? To summarize briefly, Miranda has packed all kinds of Halloween goodness into 60 full-color pages. Absolutely worth the $10 purchase. In addition, she has included a whole month breakdown to do a little something spooky each day leading up to Halloween.
Are you a first-year crypt keeper? Have you been around since the beginning? I would likewise enjoy reading about your crypt keeping journey in the comments!