Pumpkin Guts Sensory Play
This has been something I’ve wanted to do ALL of October. And it figures that I didn’t get to it until now. Such is the life of a mom…
I was genuinely hoping to have a couple different pumpkins and other gourds for this activity, but in the end, just two different kinds of pumpkins. Your classic jack’o’lantern kind and a little sugar pumpkin. Maybe next year, I’ll have it more together. Or we can do something for Thanksgiving…

Now, as some of you may now, I have a Montessori education background and one of my favorite things about the curriculum is how it is predominately based on a child’s senses. I really have been trying to introduce as many Montessori concepts as I can to our Little Monster and just because it was Halloween didn’t mean I should slack off. I really really wanted to give her the full experience when it came to pumpkins, not just romping in a pumpkin patch and watching Mommy carve it out only for her not to be able to touch it.
We got to play full on with the pumpkin we picked up for her while at Dell’Osso.
From sight…

…to sound (we pounded the mallet on the pumpkin in different places for different sounds)…

..to touch…

…to smell…

…to taste…

It was a full sensory experience. Next year will be even more fun when she is more articulate with her speech, but I’m so glad I put in the time to make this happen. Even if it was at the last possible moment. ^^; And Araceli got her first Jack’o’Lantern from it too. 😉

What Halloween activities are you planning with your little ones today?
A part of the Cryptkeeper Countdown

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