Welcome to the Unknown, Kids
I don’t think I ever anticipated dressing up from Over the Garden Wall, but with my two littles, the idea popped in my head and I had to come up with some kind of tribute. The show has the best aesthetics and with the right environment, it doesn’t take much to set up a successful photo session that perfectly captures the mood.

If you’re not familiar with Over the Garden Wall, it’s a beautiful mini series that played on Cartoon Network in 2014. With a total of 10 episodes that run a total of less than two hours, it is my dreamscape for a perfect October. The soundtrack is my ambiance music when I want to stir up the fall vibes. It is about two brothers who get lost in the woods called “the Unknown” as they wander about searching for their way back home. If you get the chance, I highly recommend it. It is streaming on Hulu, but you can also purchase the DVD from Amazon if you’re like me and prefer physical copies.

I added my own twist to the characters when it came to their attire in order to fit my childrens’ personalities a little better. However, in reality, my two are probably switched with these two brothers.
Getting photos of these costumes makes me even more proud of the work I put into them. For a random impromptu idea and a ton of fabric sales, I made some rather nice costumes without breaking the bank.

I love being in front of the camera, but I enjoy being behind it just as much. Do you have any hobby you find yourself struggling to be on both ends of?

You’re not the only one respecting “Over the Garden Wall”:
Great costumes, BTW!
(The Countdown to Halloween sent me here)
Thanks for swinging by and leaving a comment! It’s so wonderful to see this little series get some recogonition. 🙂