A Vintage Halloween Living Space

A Vintage Halloween Living Space

As we continue living in a multi-generational home, my spaces to decorate are limited. You may recall 2020’s trials with pumpkin pails and tissue paper. This area acted and still acts as a play room and a living room for the four of us. This year, that space has morphed with the aging of my littles, but I still had the desire to present it once more as a vintage Halloween living space.

Every year, I always have the intention of putting together an in-depth Halloween decor tour, but it always falls through. And unfortunately, I cannot say it is quite completed. However, the major chunk of it is well off enough to show it off to you!


Vintage Halloween in the Montessori Living Space

If you’ve missed me mention it in the past, my life before children was working with children. More specifically preschool-aged children within a Montessori environment. With my training in the Montessori Method, I fell in love with it. I decided that when the time came, I would continue to use the philosophy with my children. To keep a long story short (too late!), I try to prepare my littles’ environment with Montessori in mind.

Naturally, that also includes how I apply seasonal decor into their play space. I feel like this is where Montessori is the perfect excuse to get some of those super fun and random spooky bobbles from stores. You know, those ones that you might normally not have any use for.

I wanted to bring special attention to not just the walls and surfaces in our living space, but also the items I’ve put on my littles’ shelves to make them feel included in the Halloween celebrations.

Obviously some of the activities you see present are just straight up Montessori. But as you look closer, you will notice the fun spooky flare worked onto their trays and shelves.

The Vintage Halloween Decor that Remains

There are still some spaces that have yet to be completed, such as the doorway to our bedrooms and the finishing touches on Monster and Boo’s bathroom. Some of the string lights I used before need replacing and new Command light hooks purchased for more secure display. Not to mention that I haven’t even touched a single roll of crepe paper yet!

Despite these minor hinderances, it all is coming together like a dream. In turn, I am once more enchanted with our vintage Halloween living space.

The Countdown continues with Twenty-seven Days until Halloween!

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We are a vast selection of content creators who have treat pails loaded full of goodies to unwrap!

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Multiple interests and resourceful optimism keeps this mama of two always at the ready for life's next adventure. Meet your hostess here.