Decorating the Halloween Tree
I am still so in love with the fact that I started this tradition. Each year we get to add a little something more to the tree, whether it’s a new decoration or a new pair of hands to help trim it.

Little Monster is old enough this year to help with setting up the Halloween Tree and we have been diligently reading a couple chapters each night from the Halloween Tree to both of my Littles in attempts to finish it in time for Dia de los Muertos.

Lil’ Boo isn’t quite there yet with interest in reading, but Monster has really grown an interest in books these last few months and I’m excited to see how she enjoys chapter reading. So far, it’s been great. I know she’s not there fully with comprehension, but she is LOVING the bonding time as we snuggle up together as a family, turn on the spooky lights and read together.
Are you introducing new traditions to your family this year or have a new set of hands helping in preparations? I would love to read about your practices in the comments below!

Caffeinated Joe
How beautiful!
Thank you!