31 Ghosts to Cheers to
It’s already October 1st and I am inviting you to grab a glass in a toast to 31 ghosts to cheers to. I’ll be spending the month celebrating the ghosts I’ve created in this haunted house of a countdown. Why? Personally, it’s because I have really needed the reminder that I am a part of this gathering of Halloweenies.
As has been noted (if you subscribe to my Gossamer Gossips…), it has been a crazy year that has not yet gone even a tiny bit in the way I hoped. As a matter of fact, this post was typed in a race against the October 1st clock! If you’re seeing this on October 1st, you’ll know I made it! If that previous sentence indicates anything, it is that I definitely scrapped a month of blog posts. At the last minute. Yet again. I know. It’s becoming a very bad habit of mine. So many ideas, so many inspirations, yet none of the time I thought I would have.

So here I am, with nothing new to blog about for the 2024 Halloween Countdown. However, I can be a tiny persistent mistress and I was not ready to give up. I decided to put away the abandoned plans to scroll through my archives. It was a bid at finding inspiration…then it hit me.
Boo-ss Witch vs Macabre Melancholy

Although I feel I am one amazing Halloween Queen, I am certainly no Boo-ss Witch. Over these past two years, I’ve deeply struggled with the idea of being a “content creator” or deciding if I’m just someone who really loves the macabre, the spooky and everything Halloween. I constantly wondered if I should quietly retreat to the sidelines. Would anybody notice? Would any of my Halloween pals spy my evaporating mists? In the middle of last October, I pulled the plug. I just couldn’t muster the joy for making stuff for Halloween. I was devastated over my lack of enthusiasm and hoped I could pull myself back with greater vigor.
Straightaway, I made the obvious conclusion that I have never been a hustle person. I know for a fact that I never really will be. It’s just not in my nature. The idea of creating things to “please the algorithm” and “grow my audience” under the moniker of a “content creator” still makes my flesh crawl. However, I know I am not one to hang out on the sidelines either. I don’t know how to do that. Why did creating have to be associated with pushing what you’re passionate about like a billboard advertisement?
Finding 31 Ghosts

As I continued to scroll through posts of Halloweens past, I realized, “Chelsea, you’ve really brought some lovely spirits to life. Maybe it’s time to brag, I mean, blog about them?”
Evidently, the one thing Halloween lovers don’t do enough is proudly declare all that we, as individuals, have accomplished in the name of this special holiday that fills us with so much passion. After all, I have repeatedly reminded my Samhain Society friends of their amazing accomplishments. I love showing off what my creative pals in the space are bringing to life. But now? It is time for me to remember all of the jack-o-lantern candles I’ve lit in the Halloween community. Surprisingly enough, I think I have just enough ghosts to fill the month!
31 Ways to Cheers: Ghost #1
My first ghost to remiss over is you! Yes, I know how candy corny that first statement sounds. But I need you to know that you are a part of this haunted house of mine whether you intended to be or not. If you are a repeat visitor, you take the time each year to come back and read my posts. If you were magically drawn to click on my blog’s link amongst all the Countdown to Halloween crypt keepers, I see you. My words, however fleeting, will hopefully haunt you for a small time this spooky season. If I’m materializing before you in the way I hope, you will be called to return for many Halloweens to come.
On that note, why don’t you share one of your ghosts? What spirit have you abandoned to the wicked wide web for others to uncover?
It is an honor to be amongst my fellow crypt keepers once more and I am so excited to crash their own countdown celebrations as the month progresses.

I get it about content creation. That is what happened to me last year and why I gave up hosting duties.
I completely understand the feeling, Michelle. Even with giving up your duties, it’s so wonderful to have you come back and visit me this year. Still a crypt keeper at heart!