Be Kind to Spiders Week 2024: Sweet Dreams, Candy Corn Crew
In November 2021, my Candy Corn Crew bid sweet dreams until the next Halloween season. However, their slumber continued up to now. As I wrap up Be Kind to Spiders Week 2024, I am also wrapping up my Candy Corn Crew endeavor.
Although it doesn’t directly relate to Be Kind to Spiders Week, I wanted to pay special tribute to my creative spiderlings. They did so much to act as mini-mascots through all of my festivities over the past six years. It only felt right to give them a proper send off.
But wait, who are the Candy Corn Crew?

Some of you may be familiar with the illustrated mischief of my spiderlings, the “Candy Corn Crew”. But for those who are not, this very special corner of the web I created served as an interactive online experience for all who adore the honey flavored sweet known as Candy Corn. Aesthetic lovers were just as welcome as those who enjoy devouring this seasonal delicacy. Consuming candy corn is not a requirement for enjoying what could be found. Visitors were encouraged to have their virtual candy pail at the ready as they could click around and explore the website.

I learned so much on this journey with my spiderlings. From new digital art skills (shifting from Photoshop to Illustrator) to learning how to make some really unique merchandise (like my candy pouch keychains and enamel pins) and even learning how to map out the capers for an interactive experience through the limitations of WordPress. It’s been such an amazing experience and they’ll never really be gone forever.
Sweet Dreams, Little Spiderlings

As mentioned above, I regret to report that Candy, Bonbon, and Caramelo will be remaining in hibernation indefinitely. Starting in June, I will host the Crew experience here on my website. In the mean time, you can continue to explore their manor at CandyCornCrew.com. However, once June hits, that link will no longer be active. The memberships that were once offered will no longer apply, but Crew Members will be receiving a special letter in the mail by the end of April/early May.
Although I am biding sweet dreams to my Candy Corn Crew, I am not completely giving up on this project. Unfortunately, due to its nature, it requires more time than I can currently provide. Which is what led me to choose hosting it directly on Cheers with Chelsea. I loved creating this project and hope my blog visitors will still enjoy solving my crew’s capers while new adventures are woven in the future.
Were you an Honorary Member?
Did you ever participate in the Candy Corn Crew capers? Were you one of the select 13 members of our clubhouse? Did you even know this project existed? I’m curious to hear what you think of this whole endeavor.