Your Best Halloween Ever!

Websday Live with Your Best Halloween Ever

I’m extremely excited to announce that I will be hosting Andrew and Devin of Your Best Halloween Ever on my Instagram WEBSDAY Live this Wednesday, October 6th!

Instagram LIVE with @yourbesthalloweenever on Wednesday, October 6th @5:00PM PST

What exactly is Your Best Halloween Ever?

Firstly, if you are not already aware of this blog, prepare yourself. I am about to drop a full-sized candy bar into your pumpkin pail! This jaw-dropping website contains an archive plethora of recipes, cocktails, costumes, short stories and more all in the namesake of making EVERY Halloween, Your Best Halloween Ever.

My Websday LIVE with Your Best Halloween Ever

This spunky duo will be joining me in mixing up two frightfully fun spirits from their recipes archive. If you wish to join us, you can check out their recipe ahead of time! We’ll be making both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks so anyone and everyone can join in. So go ahead and pick your poison!

Editor’s Note: Devin will be mixing a recipe that is not a Your Best Halloween Ever cocktail,
but will be mixing the TikTok recipe that is linked above due to a spirit we BOTH adore!

Highlights from Your Best Halloween Ever

As I mentioned before, there is LOADS to explore on their website, but I thought I’d get your interest piqued by drawing your attention to some of my favorites that have made my Halloweens infinitely more fun.

Music Playlists for All Tastes

I shared their “Voodoo Queens n’ Cajun Things” playlist last year during the Halloween season. However, one of their most recent playlists, Kids Halloween Party playlist, has quickly become a family favorite in our household. Be sure to give it a listen on Spotify.

Stories from an Autumn Heart

As if that wasn’t already a lot to enjoy, they just dropped thirteen of their short stories into a printed collection called “Thirteen Tales for Halloween“. You can purchase their book on Amazon in both eBook and paperback versions.

Costumes to Wow & Inspire

I can’t just pick one of their costumes, so you’ll just have to explore the whole trunk! And their unique take on costumes this year is sharing those of their Halloweens past and I am ALL about it.

Moreover, they are collecting reader’s photos to feature at the end of October in a final roundup. Who else thinks this is just the perfect way to work up the nostalgia? Search for your photos with family and friends to spread the spooky spirit.

I cannot wait to host Andrew & Devin on Wednesday and hope you will come join in on our mixology fun to make this spooky season…

your best halloween ever logo

The Countdown continues with Twenty-eight Days until Halloween!

If you enjoyed this post, I highly recommend you check out my fellow cryptkeepers.
We are a vast selection of content creators who have treat pails loaded full of goodies to unwrap!

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Multiple interests and resourceful optimism keeps this mama of two always at the ready for life's next adventure. Meet your hostess here.