Blog Changes Coming in 2020
The news of Little Boo’s impending arrival in April and many reflections during the year on how life has adjusted since Little Monster became my life, I clearly couldn’t keep my mind focused on Halloween in October. It also caused a small blogging blackout here, so thanks for your patience and sticking around!
I joined a special group in early January to help me get back into the blogging game and I’m pleased to share that this has been a wonderful opportunity and given me a lot of perspective on many of my dilemmas regarding both blogging AND life.
Instead of getting all caught up on discussing the icky details, in true Chelsea fashion, I’m going to distract you will all of my impending plans, ideas and changes you can expect from my blog and even my personal life in the new year!
A new domain?! I have had this name for so many years (as early as 2006, I believe), but what were my original inspirations and motivations when I first bought this domain no longer fit into what my blog has become.
I will be embracing the name I’ve been using for the blog’s tittle, “Cheers! with Chelsea” as my new domain. You will hopefully notice the full transition by the time the New Year begins. I will be redirecting old links to the new domain over the next year as my DragonEmpress domain won’t expire until December of 2020.
More Snail Mail!
Family and friends will be receiving updated info cards with my new email, current phone number and mailing address since we never actually mailed out new address cards when we did our move two years ago. Oops! ^^; That will be the first gift of the new year.
I also have plans for my 4th Halloween Card Exchange in addition to a special good luck exchange during the winter holiday season. That was originally planned for this year, but I think it’s better to take another year to hammer out all the details and make it successful versus having it fall apart like I let my Halloween card exchange this year do.
There are some other fun snail mail plans in the works, but I have to leave some things a surprise for you!
Chilling Out from Facebook
I have already been taking slow steady steps away from Facebook. Outside of using it to check in on some of the groups I’m a part of, Facebook has felt like a toxic environment to me. And I’ve really become aware of it’s effects on my psyche this past year.
There are many specifics I could dive into, but I’m going to keep it simple. Life updates and photos will be featured more here on the blog. Friends and family will be welcome to follow along on the blog, but other than utilizing Facebook’s messenger to keep connected with individuals, Facebook will no longer remain one of my main social media hang outs. My blog will automatically post links to my page, but my personal Facebook will not really be active.
Monster & Me has become Monster & Boo
If you didn’t catch the news during October, I’m expecting a second baby in April. Yay! Little Boo will be arriving towards the end of April and I’m very eager to capture and share the adventures they and Little Monster will discover together.
We also have some fun building projects impending from adding this new bundle to our family dynamic. These projects will interest the spooky and the skipper alike. 😉
Apparently I’m not the only Chelsea in the world wanting to shout “Cheers!”, but you can find me on all my social media outlets under the handle @toastalongwithchelsea (or when that was considered too long a name, @toastalongwithc). It seemed like a fair compromise and compliments “Cheers! with Chelsea”.
Come hang with me in your preferred place!
Email Newsletters Coming in Spring
I’m still working on the logistics here, but I’m hoping to create special email newsletters based off of your interests for the blog. Family and friends wanting to keep up with what’s new in life? Special newsletter for that. Interested in my Candy Corn thieves and where that’s going? I’ll have a newsletter for you too! Keep an eye out for new on those via social media. You can expect each newsletter to be filled with special goodies and information you won’t find on the blog or social media.
Even More Cobwebs
I’m not done with my little spiderlings just yet! We have a lot more plans together including more physical surprises and some potentially new friends…
I’m hoping there is a chance I will have my spiderlings participate in Creepmas this December as well, but with it falling on the 13 days before Little Monster’s birthday party, there’s a high chance I might be too distracted by party prep for another two weeks of consecutive posting. If it falls through, I’ll certainly be participating in 2020.
Mommyhood Takeover
With a second one on the way, life is going to become very interesting to juggle between a toddler and an infant. Some of these plans might fall through, but some changes are for sure in the works and you can expect my little monster and boo to parade through many future toasts.