Celebrating National Pumpkin Day with a New Pumpkin in the Family Patch
Who doesn’t love pumpkins? I know I certainly do! It’s one of my favorite motifs for the Halloween season. (Although I’m starting to realize I have a lot of those…)
And in honor of that, I’m excited to announce to any and all that might not have heard it yet that we’re adding another pumpkin to our patch!

We were so in love with our little monster of a pumpkin that we’re adding a Little Boo to the mix. This pumpkin should be ready for harvest in late April, but it’s never too early to share the excitement.
We don’t know what pumpkin is growing in the patch just yet (that’s going to be a Christmas gift!), but the excitement is all around and is my real reason for my horrible lack of..well, anything! First trimesters are so much “fun”, but my biggest struggle has been nothing more than a mild case of nausea and a very severe case of missing motivation.
Little Monster is getting really amped up to be a Big Sister and we’re eager to make this a very positive experience for her, asking that our family and friends put a bigger focus on her becoming a big sister than on me becoming mommy on round #2.
Did you suspect something was amiss? I feel like I’ve been showing evidence of growth in pictures, but I think the changes I’m feeling are not as physically obvious.
How are you celebrating National Pumpkin Day?

Diane Novak
Congratulations to you and your family!! You are so amazing! Can’t wait to hear the news in December about your new boo! Always, Halloween_Creeps
Chelsea Celaya
Thank you, Diane! I’m very excited to share all the news and changes with you. 🙂