Ceramic Pumpkin Patch – A New Tradition
Who’s ready to watch a new tradition grow in the form of a ceramic pumpkin patch? I have been all about starting and upholding traditions with my family, as you may recall my Halloween Tree adventures. It has been so much fun revisiting the Halloween Tree every year, but I wanted to do something that was more hands on for my littles.
As I pulled a hand-painted ceramic pumpkin out of the storage box, I was hit with thoughts of all the ways the spooky community utilizes pumpkins such as Senor Scary’s Sam Saves Halloween 2020 Home Haunt and That Halloween Bro’s Great Pumpkin arch. Halloween decor is all about the collecting and creating, but why not add a spin to it?
Enter the Ceramic Pumpkin Patch!

I was hit with this idea while unpacking a project my mom did with my daughter last year. Grandmonster had bought her one of those ceramic pumpkins from Michaels and they decorated them together. Little Monster was two months shy of three years old, but she really loved it and kept it by her bedside every night. (In fact, it was a huge struggle to pack when it was time to say goodnight to Autumn – I had to wait until the battery died and then put it away.)
A New Tradition Formed – Painting the Pumpkins
Craft stores release new versions of their paint-it-yourself Halloween ceramics every year. It wouldn’t be impossible to have the littles paint one new ceramic pumpkin each Halloween, would it? I then came across this ceramic pumpkin 2-pack from Target. $5 was all the motivation I needed to give this idea a go.
These little pumpkins are the perfect size for easily bored toddlers like Lil’ Boo. At only a year and a half old, he was quickly over the initial excitement and wandered off after painting just the top half of his pumpkin. I love it since it will make a charming décor conversation piece.
Little Monster, on the other hand, was extremely engrossed. I almost wish these pumpkins were a smidge bigger for her benefit. She was completely focused the entire time on covering every bit of the ceramic so that no white remained. I really love that I’ll have these photos to look back on later.
Where to Display the Ceramic Pumpkin Patch

In all honesty, I haven’t quite decided where best to display these endearing works of art. My initial idea had me filling our front lawn with them each year as the collection grew. However, this would require sealing the paint and a concern for what might happen to them during poor weather. For 2021, they will be proudly displayed with our Retro Hallowe’en Countdown House, but perhaps in the future, visitors will find these pumpkins and more winking from the windows on Halloween night…
The Countdown continues with Twenty Days until Halloween!
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