Dell’Osso Family Farms Corn Maze 2018
It’s a big tradition of mine and my hubby to make it out to a corn maze every year together. This year we made the visit even more special by taking our little monster for the first of what will hopefully be many.

We started the day a little later than planned, but we took our time getting ready for comfort, which improved the day later on. Our little girl had this adorable headband on, which she removed in the car and we forgot to put back on for the rest of the day. >.<;; Oops.

I sincerely love going to Dell’Osso Farms every year during the Halloween season. Not only do they change up their mazes every year, but the place its self is constantly growing as well. They’ve made a lot of changes from the first time I went twenty-something years ago. Even if you just look at the past eight years of going consistently with my husband, there has been loads of growth. Personally, I feel for the better. They’ve really worked on making the Corn Maze experience family-centered and try to provide a little something for everyone.

This trip around, even though we did a lot, like ride the Dell’Osso Express and check out the Scarecrow Ride in additon to running the mazes, we didn’t make it out to the pumpkin patch. Thankfully, we purchased a season pass for myself and our little one so there will definitely be a part two for Dell’Osso. There is so much that is included in your entry ticket, it’s hard to see it all in one visit.

On to the Mazes! Like in past years, there were three mazes, increasing in difficulty as you completed each one. We averaged about 25 minutes per maze, despite the varying levels of difficulty.

Token family selfie on the first bridge!

Maze #1 wasn’t too challenging, but it was starting to get hot at this point.

Still, we decided to soldier on through Maze #2!

As it got hotter, our little monster started to get a little more fussy. Not to mention we got a little lost in this maze. We still tried to put on a positive face and change up the angle.

Once you get to a bridge, you know you’re at least halfway, if not, almost out of the maze.

We were very happy to get out of Maze #2 and decided to take a long food/drink/rest break. We sampled the Hard Cider flight, got some roasted corn and even got ourselves suckered into watching the Cosplay Contest unfold. We started to feel a bit tired at this point, but decided we couldn’t quit just yet. There was still one more maze to do.

We stocked up with some fresh lemonade and shaved ice and decided to return to conquer Maze #3.

About halfway through Maze #3, Little Monster was definitely done with corn mazes. Still, we did our best to entertain her and got the maze finished in less time than it took us to do Maze #2.

VERY happy to have finished our final maze of the day.

We checked out a small handful of things before deciding to call it a day. One of them being this super cute and surprisingly soothing Corn Crib. This “crib” is new to the farm. Think of it like a ball pit, but instead of balls, it’s filled with corn kernels that are dusted with baby powder. It actually felt really good on my sore hot feet when I climbed in with our little monster. Unfortunately, we couldn’t stay in there too long as lots of older rowdier children were beginning to arrive at the farm and acting a little too chaotic for us to let our girl stay in the crib safely. No complaints to the children. It just was what it was. It was time for us to go home anyways.

Once we were, everyone crashed, proving we had a super fun-filled day.
A part of the Cryptkeeper Countdown

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