Dutch Hollows 2022
You may remember with my harvest farm visit tradition post that we were still debating over where we would go this year and we eventually decided to return to Dutch Hollows for 2022.
Our visit was during one of the coolest weekends in October, however it was still going to be in the high 80s. We tried to get as early of a start as possible for visiting the farm and it paid off. There was a slight breeze in the air and although the sun was shining brightly, it never felt too overwhelming.
We let the littles dictate our direction for this visit, and they wore themselves out. From the mini hay maze to the bounce ball pit to the tire dragon; Our littles tried almost every child-friendly activity on the farm. Which is why I’m here to report that we skipped out on our first big maze walk though. We saved the corn maze for last and the littles were just too tired.
We greatly enjoyed our Dutch Hollows 2022 visit and look forward to returning next year once again. I have a great love for our original farm, but it is always fun to try something new too. Have you visited a new location for your Autumnal escapades or stuck with your classics?
Follow Along on the Countdown!
Check out all the awesome crypt keepers helping you count down to Halloween this year!