Five Videos You Didn’t Know Elvira Was Part Of
Did you know that today is Cassandra Peterson’s birthday?

Yup! It’s true. And in the spirit of her birthday, I’m going to share five videos that you might not have know you can catch her alter persona, Elvira, in!
So grab your remote and curl up on the red velvet couch with me as we celebrate our favorite person to see on the boob tube.
1. Glamazon – RuPaul
It is amazing what the internet will reveal to you. Thanks to IMDB, I discovered this very…interesting music video where several icons meet an untimely end from two stomp-happy glamazons.
This music video not only contains some Elvira goodness, but also features her as her alter ego, Cassandra. A very fun video for sure! This was shared earlier in the year in a preview on Elvira’s instagram, but it was a treat watching it in it’s entirety.
3. Gimme Something Good – Ryan Adams
A little slower paced music video for my own tastes, but lots of Elvira alluring you is always fun to watch.
4. Zombie Killers – Leslie & the Lys
Although Elvira doesn’t actually make a cameo in this video, she riffs for Leslie at the very beginning in a very Vincent Price way. If you just listen to the audio of the song, she is also on there.
5. Do They Know It’s Hallowe’en – NAHPI
This very fun Halloween ditty was a satirical song to the popular “Do they know it’s Christmas”. Featuring tons of people, you get Elvira chiming in as well as her very iconic laughter.
Anything you were ever surprised to discover Elvira was a part of? Be sure to share it down in the comments below!

She gets a ride from Richard “Cheech” Marin in the full-length official version of the video for “Born in East L.A.”
Chelsea Celaya
Your completely right! I totally forgot about that one!
A group called Ghoultown Does a song called ‘Elvira’. She makes appearances though out the whole video. It was on Youtube last time I checked.
Chelsea Celaya
I’m very familiar with that video. It’s actually a collaboration between Elvira and Ghoultown. She doesn’t sing, but she is the focus of the video. It’s a great watch, but I was definitely looking for videos that you wouldn’t realize she was in. Still, great pick! 😉