Halloween Inspired Musicians You Should Follow
A big part of Halloween is definitely the music. To me, it doesn’t feel right if some terrifying tunes aren’t haunting the radio. So you can imagine my excitement when I started discovering artists and bands that are intentionally putting a Halloween feel into their music!
Pretty Frankenstein
Instagram | Youtube | FaceBook
I was VERY surprised to learn this band is actually not too far from me! In fact, they’re in the town right next to where my last job was so it’s surprising I hadn’t stumbled across them sooner.
Definitely carrying more of a rock vibe, this spooky duo have done a few live shows since August rolled around and still have lots planned for the remainder of October. Be sure to catch them if you find yourself near one of their locations.
To get the latest from this band, I recommend following their Instagram which is kept very up-to-date and link to all their other outlets.
Haunted Heir
This little pair started following me last October and as I’m always in search for a band that is intentionally throwing out the spooky vibes, I gave them a follow and have not been disappointed.
More acoustic and laid back in their sound, this is the perfect group to listen to if you like the easy listening with a good amount of haunt. They really live up to their namesake and their EP is a favorite of mine when I want some calming background music I could sing along to if I wanted.
I follow their Instagram for the latest and as of right now, they don’t really have any other official channels, but you can also check out their music for free via Spotify.
The Ghost in You
Official Website | Instagram | Youtube
Pointed out to me by All Hallow’s Geek, it was love at first listen with The Ghost in You. Looking more into him, this solo artist is more than just musically inclined, he is also the author AND artist of The Undead Adventures of Bone Boy and Ghost Girl. Bill’s flare is defintely fun and quirky so it’s hard to not be drawn in.
His music is definitely mood capturing. Acoustic in sound and overwhelmingly haunting. He has fourteen singles and eps available to date (which you can get through his main website) and I’ve included his most recent music video via Youtube which features the very song that got me hooked.
Following Billy’s instagram is a safe bet to keep most up-to-date on what is new, but he really seems to keep his main website just as up-to-date as any of your preferred social media channels.
Nancy Nightmare and the Wizard
Official Website | Instagram | Youtube
Ok, if you haven’t heard of this band from me before, you clearly must be new around here. I’ve seen them perform live, featured their song as a Halloween countdown, and thrown them into several of my Halloween music video playlists. I just ADORE this Witch and Wizard coupling. They’ve got a great vibe, fun energy and really upbeat music. What isn’t there to love?
It is SUPER hard to peg down what their actual music style is, for me, it’s just fun with lots of influence from all KINDS of bands that inspire them. In fact, this past Friday, they shared their newest song on Youtube and it’s another fast spooky fav.
They are fairly active on their Instagram, but to be hearing the latest from them, I HIGHLY highly recommend you follow their Youtube channel and click the notification bell to be alerted as SOON as they upload something new.
Have a Halloween-themed band that should be on this list? Leave me a comment down below to help me become more aware of all the awesome out there!