Nine Months Into Motherhood
How is it that it’s become 3/4 into my baby girl’s first year of life?! I feel like so much has happened already yet still at the same time feel like we were coming home from the hospital. It’s definitely a whirlwind of emotions!
Month Seven

Officially crawling, this girl was seriously on the go! It really didn’t take her long to master her crawl, despite not really loving it. She’d much rather be pulling herself up on furniture or using hands to take her own steps. She’s even gotten daring and will let go to trial how long she can stand unassisted! We even ventured by the Jungle Bird, her second tiki experience, where she got to meet Papi’s good friend and enjoy the puka fries.
Month Eight

The summer may be coming to an end, but this girl makes it feel like a party every day! She is crawling at full speed and LOVES eating. But that’s not all! She’s also pulling herself up quite confidently on furniture and legs and will even dare to stand unassisted for a second or two. @_@ She also got to experience her first museum AND first convention AND helped out mommy at her craft fair. It was a very busy month!
Month Nine

This gal is cruising all over. She’s mastered furniture surfing to make her independant steps around the house and really testing her balance abilities without holding Mommy’s or Papi’s hands. We’ve also got teeth coming in! She was also introduced to her first Montessori materials and LOVES them. This is super exciting for Mommy.