An Over the Garden Wall Shrine
Technically, I saved one last decor tour for today and that is my shrine to “Over the Garden Wall”. This show is my scenic to play in the background while I decorate, blog and just need an uninterrupted hour to absorb the Halloween. And this year, I feel mighty equipped to pay this little Cartoon Network number the tribute it deserves.
As much as I love this show, it does not have much merchandise. Which makes it a little challenging when setting up a space for it. In complete honesty, I would love to see my “Over the Garden Wall” shrine shift into my main decor style at some point, but I’m not quite ready to make that transition. In addition, the ideas to make this happen have not yet formulated well.
Either way, I’m very pleased with this makeshift space. I have other ideas for utilizing this space during future Halloweens and hope you enjoy what additional tributes I’ve made this year.
What show, movie or book do you pay tribute to in your Halloween decor?
Follow Along on the Countdown!
Check out all the awesome crypt keepers helping you count down to Halloween this year!