Candy Corn Crew Membership Kits
Let’s talk about memberships! There are a variety of goodies available on CandyCornCrew.com, but I’m quite proud of the membership kits I assembled to bring an additonal level of interactivity to the website.
The physical membership kit is loaded with the most treats, included the limited edition candy wrapper keychain I showed off last week.
The virtual membership kit comes with a printable download of the membership card and an art print, but includes ALL of the year-round benefits as the physical kit. This includes being guarenteed to be mailed a Halloween card ever year, early caper access and in-person special treats.
Both kits also come in a budle with the first caper. Essentially, you get the caper for free with each bundle. If you know you’ll want to solve the interactive mysteries, the bundles are an awesome way to save!
As of right now, only the virtual kit is available worldwide. If you find yourself outside of the United States, this kit is going to be your best option available.
As a thanks for reading this far, I’m offering a special coupon code for 20% off all membership kits. Just use the coupon code “CANDYTRAIL” on checkout.
Coupon code is good until October 28th so don’t wait to take advantage of this deal!

Over on Instagram, the Crew keeps stirring up the adventure. What has been your favorite shennanigan with them this week?