Join the Candy Corn Crew
Time to break out the candy corn and celebrate! My little spiderlings are off on a new adventure with a new name AND a new website coming to you very soon!
Anything you’ve ever wanted to know about your favorite candy corn loving arachnids as well as other special treats are sure to be found on their new hangout, CandyCornCrew.com.
I’m calling all my candy corn loving family and friends to join us for a very exciting adventure planned this haunting season. Be sure to have your candy pails at the ready for ALL the treats (and possible tricks! ;P ) I have lined up this Autumn.
Want more details? Just click on the button below to sign up for an email alert on launch day.
As an incentive, everyone who signs up with their email will be entered in a giveaway drawing for a button set featuring my three spiders in their candy corn costumes.
Be sure to stick around and keep your eyes on the website because it’s about to get really interesting!