A Toast to New Visions – Annual Blog Hiatus
After pulling off another successful “Be Kind to Spiders Week” blog-a-thon, I have been taking a well-earned rest with my annual blog hiatus. It often feels like there’s this crazy flurry from October through April for posting and general life celebrations. There’s the holidays and birthdays and anniversary. It gets to a point that I get a bit bogged down. May tends to signal a break on my blog thanks to that. From this point on, expect that to be the norm without any formal announcements.
I have not been feeling those motivational blogging vibes as hard as back in January. Additionally, I have been putting excess time and energy into some behind the scenes projects. There’s still some time before I share them (they require a good dose of care and preparation), but I am quite excited to put them out into my little corner of the web.
As a result, I’ve been deeply contemplating what it is that I want to accomplish with my blog. I have tried my hand at a lot of new things since October 2020. In turn, it’s spurred a full season of reflection. Who am I hoping to build a community with? Where do I want the blog to take me now? What is it that I want to create here? When do I want to implement these changes? This all will reflect on both Cheers! with Chelsea and Candy Corn Crew upon my return. In all honestly, I’m still trying to sort it out and decide myself.
Need to know more?
I will be going into more details on my Instagram Live tonight at 7:00 PM PST. If you are interested in sipping by, I’d love your company. Come say “hello” and catch up with me on what I’ve been doing, what I’ll be doing and where I’m going.
If you can’t join me then, don’t fret. Next week you will see a recap of Lil’ Boo’s first birthday and I will be keeping active on Instagram. May will be silent on the blog, but I will return to my revised schedule (whatever that may look like) in June with reintroductions for myself and the Candy Corn Crew. Until then, keep your glasses chilled and have a toast on me.
Chelsea 🥂