My Top 5 Favorite Cocktails
As a wine lover, I’m betting you’ll be expecting to see a sangria or mimosa on this list, but prepare to be surprised! And on that note, even though I love me some good vino, rarely will you see me ordering a glass. While out, I greatly enjoy ordering cocktails. Especially when they make me feel classy. Here are a handful of my go-to favorites…

A simple cocktail to make at home, I love margaritas because you can make them very complicated or very simple. Like the one in the picture was a jalapeño cucumber margarita. I’m not a fan of spicy drinks, but this one was surprisingly refreshing!
Shrunken Zombie Head

My favorite go-to drink at Trader Sam’s. I’ve come to love trying the different zombie drinks many tiki bars feature, but I have to credit Trader Sam’s for introducing me to theirs.
Gin Martini

A classy cocktail for a classy lady. I think Gin Martini and I think of those old 1950’s housewives sipping away. I always feel like a sexy woman with a martini in my hand.
Ti’ Punch

Oh sweet agricole, how I love you. I was very fortunate to be introduced to this simple yet magical cocktail thanks to the awesome staff at Forbidden Island during my time participating in the 20 weeks of tiki drinks challenge. I also discovered my interest in agricole rums thanks to this exposure. By far, my favorite rum to drink straight, but apparently, not many people are actually a fan of this particular rum! :O
Lemon Drop

A favorite for sentimental reasons. Lemon drops are one of the first cocktails I ever ordered when venturing out into the alcohol world. I love the lemony goodness of a well-made lemon drop. They’re great and I love how easy they are to make at home. I mean, come on. Vodka, Lemon juice and sugar. Very easy. 🙂