Scary Stories for the Season
Ready to peruse the pages on what is sure to be a very special Spooky Season? The Candy Corn Crew is and they’re ready to share their tales!
This October is going to be even more lax on the blog than it has been on prior countdowns by reducing my posting to three days a week: Mondays, WEBSDAYs and Fridays.
Mondays are for Nostalgia
I’ve really been vying for the vintage vibes this year and I’ve done quite the overhaul with my decor to reflect that. Not just with store-bought items, but also in the approach of the classic old school make it yourself. I plan to show you what exactly I’ve done and created every Monday in October.
Wednesdays are for WEBSDAYs
Websdays will pretty much stay as they have been all year. I’ll be sharing what’s happening over on CandyCornCrew.com as well as continuing with my Arachnid Astrology series.
Fridays are for Photos
I’ve cooked up some very fun photo shoot concepts based around my Little Monster and Lil’ Boo and I’m quite excited to share them with you. Some were more planned than others, but all are guaranteed to embody the Spooky Season.
And if you’re really eager to follow along on Monster and Boo’s assorted adventures, you HAVE to check out their instagram, @MonsterandBoo!
For the more Social Media inclined…
You’ll also find me haunting around Instagram with my weekly Websday LIVEs in addition to posting a new mini illustration daily over on the Candy Corn Crew’s Instagram. I have one other thing in the works I’m not sharing just yet (I want to know I can actually make it happen before I get too invested), but it should come to fruition by the weekend if everything aligns…
Do you have any plans to help to pump up that Halloween Spirit this year?