Halloween 2023 Costume Sneak Eek #1
I’m bringing back my Halloween costume sneak eek for 2023 with guess #1! That’s right. Henceforth, look forward to a new sneak (p)eek of what my Halloween costume will be every Saturday leading up to Halloween. The big reveal will be on the final Saturday of October.
Obviously, all bets are on! In the image below, you will find your first clue.
All things considered; you should know that this costume will more than likely be easy to guess, but the twist is that you’re not just guessing what mine is, but also my husband’s too.

The look for my husband is something I’ve been subtly trying to convince him to do for a while. I’m rather excited he agreed to it! And yes, the photo above DOES contain a clue for both of our looks.
Our costume plans changed so many times this year and eventually, we landed on doing something that would require minimal effort for us to assemble.
Why a Costume Sneak Eek?
Back when I was planning my Clue Carousal party, I had so much fun dropping party detail sneak peeks until invites went into the mail. This served as the inspiration for this feature. The idea behind my costume was unexpected, but all I needed was my husband to tell me I should do the thing last year.
In like manner, are you sharing a Halloween 2023 costume sneak eek as well? I always enjoy these kinds of games and would love to guess yours too!

Alexis Skrull
Not confident but my guess is warlock and witch!
Ooooh, interesting guess! Sort of close, but not quite. 😉