Haunted House Countdown Tradition
Countdowns seem to be a theme with my family’s traditions, so I obviously have to include the retro Haunted House countdown we painted a few years back.
It was very fun to have Little Monster help paint this when we originally bought it. However, the real challenge lies in those teeny tiny boxes. They’re very hard to fit little trinkets into. Or even just candies. You know, the good stuff. We have found that hand stamps, spider rings, tootsie rolls and these soft round gummies from Dollar Tree fit well.
I have plans over the next year or so to switch it into a movie countdown calendar. I just love cuddling up as a family to watch a spooky movie in honor of the season. By the time the kids are older and show interest in the television, this would be a perfect way to pick a movie. I don’t know about you, but we always spend too long debating over what we feel like watching and that would decide it for us.
Do you have something similar to our haunted house countdown calendar? What do you fill it with?
Follow Along on the Countdown!
Check out all the awesome crypt keepers helping you count down to Halloween this year!