The Toasting Skipper tries mixing Hot Buttered Rum
It feels like spring is right around the corner, but Winter is still in its full chilly force, even here in the California central valley. You won’t find me complaining, though. The chilly weather is perfect for my favorite hot cocktails to nip away at the cold.
My personal favorite is Hot Buttered Rum, but I have never actually tried my hand at making it myself! So today, I don my skipper hat (one of them, anyways) and break out the rum in attempts to make this magical refreshment and cross my fingers for a good turn out!
Watch on to see my silly attempts at making this hot boozy concoction. I got my recipe from Smuggler’s Cove by Martin Cate. I used both the rum batter recipe and the cocktail mix from the book.
My score on my mix of Hot Buttered Rum would be…
Four out of Five zombies
It came out perfect for a cold winter day/night and despite the fact that my rum choice wasn’t exactly a perfect fit, it still tasted delightful!
What do you find to be your grog of choice when it feels like the frost will never end?
I’m also looking for a suggestion for rum to use! Zaya was a smidge too strong… >.<;;;

That’s quite a bit involved! Me, I’m lazy. Here’s my recipe:
Pour about half an inch of dark rum into a mug. Add two or three whole cloves and a fragment of a cinnamon stick. Dump in a small pat of butter. Let it all sit there while you boil some water. When the water is boiling, pour it in to the mug. Stir. Let cool just a bit, then drink.
I’d try it with Rhum Barbancourt 5 Star Speciale Reserve – you might not need the spices. Or the butter, for that matter…..
Chelsea Celaya
I’d never made it before so I thought I would try the recipe I just happened to have on hand. It definitely felt a little laborious, so I’m looking into an easier recipe. I’ll definitely have to give yours a go! Thanks for sharing!