Visiting Chronic Cellars Tasting Room
I imagine most people are home now, back from their tricks and treatings, or have doused the candles on their alters. We, as a family will be wrapping up our Halloween celebrations with a “Graveyard Gallop” to some of our loved ones’ resting places this coming weekend as a belated homage to Day of the Dead celebrations and Samhain blessings.
Back in April, I thought it would be super fun to visit different wineries and tasting rooms that kept their Halloween vibes all year round. Unfortunately, many foiled plans kept me from following through on my idea. Still, it didn’t keep me from visiting at least one tasting room for a label with skeletal vibes.
It’s no secret that one of my favorite sparklings for the season (and pretty much the only one I’ve ever seen for the season) is Spritz and Giggles from Chronic Cellars. So on our way down to Midsummer Scream at the end of July, we made a detour and swung by Chronic Cellars’ tasting room to see if we could scare up yummy tastings.
The experience ended with mixed feelings, but the tasting room its self was one of the most unique and entertaining I’ve had the pleasure of experiencing.
I have one more post to follow this one to wrap up my 31 posts of Halloween, but I’d love to hear how your celebrations and holiday spirit carried out.
How are you wrapping up your Halloween season? Have you wrapped it up already?
A part of the Cryptkeeper Countdown

Also love celebrating a little Halloween everyday through the month of October? Come join me and hundreds of other amazing Halloween bloggers! There’s a little something for everyone.