Websday Live with Spooky Little Halloween
My next big IG Live guest to announce is Miranda of Spooky Little Halloween. I will be hosting this Halloween Queen on my Instagram WEBSDAY Live this Wednesday, October 13th!
What exactly is Spooky Little Halloween?
Probably the best spooky friend a ghoul could ask for! But in all seriousness? There’s actually very little that my favorite Spooky person doesn’t do. Firstly, she blogs about keeping the Halloween spirit alive all year long. This blog is home to closet costumes, DIY projects, food and drink recipes, music playlists, shopping guides and parties of Halloweens past. But that’s not all!
Her list of accomplishments goes on! For instance, she puts out a weekly Halloween newsletter full of treats, runs a spooky book club, is a cheerleader for shopping with small spooky businesses, encourages the Halloween community to create things like the Samhain Society Halloween eZine, runs an Instagram account sharing her taphophile passions and is an AMAZING writer who JUST published her very first full-size Halloween magazine.
Honestly, this ghoul does it all! I would be very surprised if you’re in the Halloween community and haven’t run across Spooky Little Halloween. If, by chance, this is the first time hearing about her, you can thank me later.
My Websday LIVE with Spooky Little Halloween
Miranda has dabbled in cocktails of all kinds, but as a Texan, she is a margarita queen. Her spooky margarita game knows no limits and I am beyond excited to be treated to one of her signature margaritas in real time! This cocktail is very straight-forward with easy-to-find ingredients perfect for an Indian summer. You may not be experiencing a cool crisp Autumn, but you can make it feel like one on your palate! Just tap the button to assemble your shopping list. 😉
Highlights from Spooky Little Halloween
There is quite a bit to discover in the world known as Spooky Little Halloween, but I thought I’d get your interest piqued by drawing your attention to some of my favorites that have made my Halloweens infinitely more fun.
Code Orange for the Small Biz
Miranda has introduced me to SO MANY spooky small businesses and has made it a point to really dig deep and feature many new independent shops I’ve never heard of before. If you’re looking to shop small, Spooky has you covered!
Spookify Your Home
Want to talk about innovatively decorating in small spaces? My ghoul is a décor master! She will set you up with décor shopping tips, give tours of her living spaces and show you how she gets festive for parties. Just…wow!
Not Your Typical Halloween Magazine
I mentioned it already, but it’s so amazing, I can’t help but bring it up twice! Miranda released her very first full-sized magazine, “Spooky Little Halloween – The Magazine” this September and if you’re quick, you can grab one before October ends!
In conclusion, I cannot wait to host Miranda on Wednesday and hope you will come join in on our mixology fun to make this spooky season feel like the perfect…
The Countdown continues with Twenty-one Days until Halloween!
If you enjoyed this post, I highly recommend you check out my fellow cryptkeepers.
We are a vast selection of content creators who have treat pails loaded full of goodies to unwrap!
