Over the Garden Wall Tarot
Tarot and Halloween always go together in my book, and what better way to observe than with an “Over the Garden Wall” tarot deck?
I cannot say enough about these beautiful decks from QuarterPress which were originally Kickstarter rewards. These decks are no longer available for purchase, but they do often restock a pocket edition.
However, I’m not here to sell you on an “Over the Garden Wall” tarot deck. In fact, this post is to help you find your sign for what remains of October! You may recall I did something similar last year with a Welcome Autumn tarot spread. However, this time, I did two different card spreads; a three-card and a single card to help you find the messages you are seeking with what remains of these final ten days of October.
Over the Garden Wall Three-Card Tarot Spread

As I wanted to leave the interpretation up to you, the reader, I will even leave the thoughts of what you want each placement to represent open. I’d recommend reading it as a “How it’s been going”, “What is to come” and “When Halloween arrives”. But as I said, it’s up to you to decide how the cards are speaking to you.
You can click on each card to see it in more detail as needed. If you need a little more help with interpretations of these cards, they follow the Rider-Waite symbolisms which Tarot.com does a beautiful job of interpreting.
Over the Garden Wall Single Card Tarot Spread

This card was drawn with the simple intention of October and Halloween expectations. Of all the cards drawn for this activity, she has to be the one that calls to me the most. How about you?

What did you see in the cards? Be sure to let me know down in the comments below! I’d genuinely love to hear what the cards are saying to you.
Follow Along on the Countdown!
Check out all the awesome crypt keepers helping you count down to Halloween this year!